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Stun Guns

First, you need to understand how a stun gun works. They are simple to use and are effective on any body part. The neck is the best place to place the device as it is most likely to touch the target. A stun gun shock can knock someone unconscious for as long as a minute. Before you use a stun gun, there are some steps that you need to follow.

It is very easy to use a stun gun. Flip the safety switch and then touch the prongs on the attacker’s skin. The electric shock will cause the attacker’s muscle control to be lost, making them lose their balance and disorientated. The person who holds the stun gun will not be hurt.

Next, you will need to understand how these devices work. The stun gun should touch the attacker on the neck, shoulders, solar plexus, or groin.

It can be very effective in stopping attackers from moving forward when you follow the instruction included with the stun gun.

Although the amperage of the stun gun is more important than its voltage, it’s still vital to find one that balances both. The correct amperage is essential for your safety and the safety of the person you are protecting. When used properly, a stun gun e extremely effective.

The stun gun shocks a person using a low-voltage, high-amperage electric current. Stun guns work by disrupting the signal between the brain to the muscles using electrical power.

After being shocked with a stun gun, a person may experience convulsions or spasms. They may remain on the ground for as long as 15 minutes. You can then protect yourself against an attacker.

There are many ways to disguise stun guns. Stun guns can be disguised as phones, flashlights, lipsticks, and even phones. You can have the tactical advantage of surprise with disguised stun guns.

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